Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Relaxing After a Long Day of Work!

It is no secret that working long deliberating shifts can take a toll on a person. Aside from the stress you may have at work, you have traffic, bills, family and other factors that may pile on top of it all after a long day. We have compiled a short list of things that might help you relax after an exhausting day.

After a long day, the last thing you want to do is tire yourself out even more. We get it! But doing a workout, major or minor, can really help take you mind off your stress. Take a brisk walk around your neighborhood with family or friends or even dim the lights and working out to a yoga DVD are cheap (or even free!) ways to get in a workout. It doesn’t have to be long and it doesn’t have to be grueling. You will always feel better and more refreshed after getting your heart rate up.

Clean your house. I know you are ready to click the “x” and forget about this blog. Again, cleaning your house is probably the furthest thing from your mind when you think of relaxing. When we stop looking at cleaning or tiding our homes as a chore, the less of a head ache it will be. Turn on your favorite music and allow yourself to get caught up in the organizing. You don’t exactly have to “spring clean” your home; perhaps organizing your make-up drawer or cleaning your closet are things that needs your attention. Not only will you be able to take your mind off of your stress, but purging all of your unwanted items can make your home feel more comfortable.

Read a book. This is the best way to completely leave your world behind and get swept into a new one. You can check Amazon’s Best Sellers list, Barnes and Noble Best Sellers list or even New York Times Best Sellers list to find a book that fits your interests. Depending on how often you read or how long it takes you to get through a book, it can be expensive. A great alternative? Checking out your local library. Most libraries have websites that allow you to browse and even reserve a book online. Allowing yourself 20-30 minutes a day to escape into a good read will help ease your stress. You can even look into checking out books on tape to help make your work commute more enjoyable.

Put on a movie. Just like reading, putting on a movie or watching your favorite television show will allow you to escape into a different world. If you know it is going to be a long week at work, DVR your favorite shows throughout the week and allow yourself an afternoon to relax in front of the television. Even planning a family movie night at the end of the work week will help ease the stress and allow you to enjoy your days off. Swing by a DVD kiosk and pick up your favorite movie for under $2 a night, pop some popcorn and allow yourself to kick back and enjoy!

Allow yourself a break. If you have had several stressful weeks in a row, take a Friday or Monday off and allow yourself a long weekend. If you know it is going to be a stressful few months coming up, plan ahead! Request a few days off after a big deadline or project. It is normal to take a break from work, which is why companies give you time off. Taking time from work will allow you to rest and rejuvenate yourself. Your boss and coworkers will probably understand and appreciate the fresh head you come in with after some time off. If taking time off is something you need, allow yourself to completely step away from work. Otherwise the time off is wasted and you don’t come back relaxed.

Take a shower or bath. It doesn’t have to be a luxurious bubble bath with candles. A simple shower can work. When you first get home from work, hop in the shower. Use your favorite shower products and allow yourself to relax. Even putting on calming music while you shower can help ease the stress. This is something you are going to do anyway. Allowing yourself that 15 minutes after coming in the door will allow you to relax and prepare for the evening.

I know what you are thinking, “this would all be great and wonderful but I have kids and those kids need dinner and attention.” We get it. But you do need to take time to yourself after a long stressful work day or week. Allowing yourself even 15-20 minutes may be exactly what you need to help relax. Perhaps treating yourself to a facial or pedicure on your way home or on your lunch break will help create a balance. If you absolutely do not have time for anything listed, after getting in your car after work. Turn on the engine and air conditioner and close your eyes for three to five minutes for traveling home. These little gestures can go a long way in helping you relax.


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