Monday, July 8, 2013

Make Your Resume Stand Out

Are you looking to brush off your resume and get it shining and attractive? Here are some tips to help your resume stand apart from the next.

1.       Include resume keywords

This is a big one! Your resume should include keywords that appear in the job description. That way, you will increase your chances of your resume matching available positions – and being selected for an interview. The keywords should include specific job requirements, including your skills, software and technology competencies, relevant credentials, and previous employers.


2.       Write a custom resume

Write a costume resume that specifically highlights the experience you have that is relevant to the job you are applying for. It does take more time, but, it is worth the effort especially when the job aligns with your skills and experience.


3.       Stick to a standardized font

For most positions, future employers want a resume they can read and a resume that captures the skill sets they are looking for. Fonts like Times New Roman and Georgia are a safe bet when it comes to being readable. Make sure your font is around a 12; having a font that is to big or to small can turn away a potential employer.


4.       Double, triple, quadruple check your resume

The last think you want is a resume full of misspellings and grammatical errors. Having these types of errors can guarantee that your resume will go directly to the recycle bin. Also, make sure your resume is up to date. If your current job incorporates a new software in your office, add it to your resume.


5.       Make it Digital-Friendly

Nothing is more frustrating than spending a large amount of time trying to open a file. Create your resume in Word – or something similar – and save it as a word document. This is also why it is important to create a custom resume. Using a template might not transfer successful and could make your resume look sloppy.


6.       Add Social Media Profiles

If you use LinkedIn or Twitter in a professional manner, add these profile links to your contact information. This will encourage potential employers to see how you showcase your expertise online and gives them another way to get in touch. Depending on the position you are applying for, managers might be impressed if you’ve grown large networks.


7.       Include a Cover Letter

Writing a dedicated cover letter has become a lost art. A cover letter allows you to be creative and let your personality shine through. Each cover letter should be altered to the position in which you are applying for. If the job description asks for a creative individual; what better way to stand out. Make sure you are remembered because of your cover letter.


8.       Include 6 main points

Recruiters spend 80% of their time looking at these six points on a resume

·         Name

·         Current title and company

·         Previous title and company

·         Current start and end dates

·         Previous start and end dates

·         Education

Make sure you have the above 6 points throughout your resume.

9.        Experience

Include all relevant experience. If you are applying for a nursing position, you don’t need to include a summer job you had working at an ice cream shop. It is irrelevant and is also known as page fillers. If you don’t have a lot of experience, list relevant course work from college or internship.


10.   Add Accomplishments

Your resume is the perfect opportunity to pat yourself on the back- just a little. If you graduated with honors or received employee of the month at a previous job- list it! Not only does it show that you were noticed and were well accomplished. Being on the Dean’s list or graduating with honors shows that you were able to dedicate yourself for at least four years of college- which isn’t easy and is not accomplished by many.

With these tips, we are confident that you will get your resume to stand out and make it professional. Job hunting is hard and stressful; stick to it! Your hard work will pay off eventually.



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